You can download extra maps for the Amiga and Mac versions of Payback from this page. If you've made a map and you'd like it to appear here, please send it to payback.maps@apex-designs.net.
To install these maps, download and extract the map you want to play and copy the files into the 'UserMaps' directory. When you start in rampage or multiplayer mode you will be able to select the new map. Make sure you have the latest version of the game installed first!
If you want to make your own maps but you're struggling with the Map Editor, why not take a look at the Payback Workshop?
Maluch Rejs by Andrzej Skowron (5 November 2005)
"This is my second map for Payback. It is incomplete, but I will repair it. Enjoy!"
Tribe City by Andrzej Skowron (5 November 2005)
"This is my first Payback's map. I think it contain all things for good multiplayer game."
Rocket Car Heaven by Joar Berntsen (10 November 2003)
"Go wild with rocket cars. Lots of jumps and SkyTracks. This map is also bugfree. I could have released it way earlier but I just now got enough time to add the finishing touches."
Death Match by Pierre (8 June 2003)
"This map is aptly named. It's especially good for two players."
Isla Nublar by SHiNgeN TaKeDa (23 October 2002)
"This map is all about destruction and killing cops (rampage mode), but it is playable in multiplayer mode too. There are 5 tanks and one police car hidden somewhere... Enjoy!"
Allegro City by Krzysztof "AmigaMAN" Koplin (18 August 2002)
"This is my best map (at least, I think so :-). On the map you can find everything that a normal city has. If you like this map or if you have any idea what add to this city then please mail me. v0.8"
Amirace by Yohan Levy (8 May 2002)
"Here is a map that I've worked on for a few months now. It is not a town but a race where there is only one way to go...It is difficult for me to describe it with my bad English but I suggest you make your own mind up by trying it yourself."
Tank Warfare by Samuel Regandell (2 April 2002)
"This is a deathmatch map involving four tanks in terrain designed for them to be able to outmaneuver each other."
Goclaw by Tm_DaG (2 April 2002)
"'No dres no stres' :). This town is under construction. I don't know when I'll finish it. If you like it - mail me so maybe I'll finish it sooner :)"
The Big Track by Samuel Regandell (2 April 2002)
"This is not a "city" per se, but an immense continuous racetrack covering the entire map. It includes just about every form of bridge, tunnel or jump along the way. v1.4"
House Park 3 by Mila Lesak (8 March 2002)
"Small city (deathmatches recommended), with one rally track. In the future, I will add more tracks."
Underground by Peter Turhede (21 February 2002)
"Well the town is still under the ground level and all parks, trees and water are still in the original level = on the roofs. I have deleted the police routes = something went wrong and all routes got mixed up :( . Wait for another update ;=)"
Desert Deathmatch by Jan Vonka (11 February 2002)
"New desert textures, inspired by Mexico landscape, very good for playing deathmatches and rampages too. Playing with Warp3D recommended."
House Park by Mila Lesak (11 February 2002)
"Hello everybody, welcome to the House Park. I am 13 years old and I want to offer you my town, where you can find everything that is possible in Payback - bridges, underpasses, viaducts, rivers, beaches, secrets, highways and a very big racing track! Have fun!"
House Park 2 by Mila Lesak (11 February 2002)
"SNOW town but not boring! There are many secrets (in the buildings), bridges, underpasses, jumping-off boards, viaducts, one highway and a fun racing track. If you like this map, please write something to me."
Woods by Olivier Martin (26 May 2001)
"A full-size city, with a couple of parks and woods, plus some special places. In some respects, this map is a mixture of the maps found in the game (a soccer stadium, a race track...)"
Little Paris by Xavier Bodenand (26 May 2001)
"Welcome to the most visited city in the world. Let's get in a bus full of tourists and enjoy the view. Please note that French people drive on the right."
Calum by Calum Millican (26 May 2001)
"A fun little city with odd little areas to explore and a few hidden things as well... when you rampage see if you can get the police onto the racetrack, it should be possible. Enjoy."
Beach City by Marvin Noble (4 May 2001)
"This map is for all those natural born killers who like beaches and weapons."
Gettin' High by Philipp Bödecker (21 March 2001)
"Small map that made me get into the MapEditor. You need to get onto the roofs for better weapons."